Subconscious Blocks


"The primary role of the subconscious is to regulate essential bodily functions such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion. However, it can also keep you in fight or flight or freeze, especially if you've inadvertently trained it to keep you on edge."

Ask yourself, “how many subconscious blocks do I have that are preventing me from healing, being happy, growing, being prosperous……”

How many come to mind?

1, 2, 1000, too many to count? Did you get overwhelmed by the question? You may very well have. That is ok. This is the beginning.

These subconscious blocks began the moment you were conceived. Maybe, just maybe even before that. Generational patterns created in your parents experiences and before can prevent us from achieving greatness.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself as great. What do you see. Do you have tension build somewhere in your body. Is your imagination blank? These are signs that you have some subconscious limiting beliefs holding you back.

What do you do about it?

Tapping is a great tool. Journaling, writing them down is another. Don’t know where to start or what to write? Write that down. That is a beginning. Do it every day.

Another tool? Book sessions with me. If you have been doing the work and just need a boost a session may do. If this is new for you book a package.

We all need help sometimes. We just do not have the answers but someone else does due to their education and, most importantly, their life experiences in relation to their healing. These life experiences help them better understand you and your questions.

What life experiences do you have?

I will bet there are positive ones in there but you immediately went negative didn’t you. Those are your subconscious blocks preventing you from feeling and remembering the positives of your life which can aid in your healing.

Cannot see the positive. Book sessions with me.


Stop saying MY disease, car accident, injury….